September 30, 2011

Goodbye formula

Tonight we finished off the last of the formula. We bought whole milk - which I can't remember ever having in the house. Another step to Allison becoming a big girl.

September 28, 2011

Learning to sew

Our last trip to Lufkin I had my first sewing machine lesson. I successfully made a new dog bed cover. When the dogs wouldn't sit still for a photo Allison took over. So far it meets kid and dog approval. Next step - curtains for the master bedroom.

September 15, 2011


A big thank you to April for taking this picture at Moms and Tots today. This was the first time Allison rode in a car her size. Her feet didn't touch the floor so I pushed her around. She looks pretty happy, guess we better start the car fund.

New Clothes

The temp was below 80 when we went out today so Allison got to break in a new birthday outfit. She didn't quite get the long sleeves at first and kept tugging on them! She looks so grown up.

September 14, 2011

Playgroup girls

Sadie, Allison, Abby
Mondays we have playgroup with the Step by Step families. Here is a great photo Lori took of the three girls playing together this week. I love that Allison has some little girl friends to grow up with!

September 12, 2011

Spin spin spin (video)

Playground video

Taken Sunday Sept 4 after the birthday party.  We took advantage of the nice weather and took a family walk, including a stop at the playground.

September 5, 2011

Birthday photos delay

Sunday Allison got baptized and we had an early birthday party to celebrate her turning 1.  My computer however is having photo software issues, so we have a slight delay in getting those pictures up.  I can post pictures from my phone, but the ones from my camera arent working.  I have a computer appt wednesday, so hopefully will get them up soon.

Thanks to everyone who was able to come and celebrate with us.