October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Allison's preschool doesn't celebrate Halloween, but they always have a fall festival with a Noah's Ark theme.  So all the children are asked to dress as animals.  Here is our Halloween Kitty cat.  Not sure what she will be tonight - kitty cat, Rapunzel or purple fairy.  She had the best time getting her makeup done this morning and posing.  

October 30, 2013

Ready for baby

The nursery is pretty much done.  We got a sweet surprise on Sunday when our YP group gave us a diaper cake.  After Allison moved to her big girl room this summer we converted the bed back to a crib and then shut the room for awhile.  Now clothes are washed and ready, and we've pulled the infant car seat and all the baby stuff out of the attic and cleaned it up.  Some of the artwork moved with Allison, but aside from some bare walls we are ready to go.  

October 28, 2013

Haley's home

A neighbor called in a sighting and my dad spent an hour chasing her through muddy free belts and over barbed wire fences.  She was so panicked she kept running away from us.  Thankfully I finally managed to get her in the car.  Haley is very scared but seems un-injured.  

Pumpkin carving party

Saturday night the YP held their annual pumpkin carving party at Staci and Carter's house.  They have such a fun backyard for outdoor parties.  Allison drew on her little pumpkin but had way more fun trying to carve my pumpkin for me.  It ended up more like death by paper cuts, she was very enthusiastic.

On a less happy note, we had a bad storm pass through Saturday night, including hail.  While we didn't have any damage to the house or cars, our younger dog, Haley, got out of our yard and is now missing.  She is microchipped, but so far no luck in finding her.

October 27, 2013

Trunk or Treat

We got to celebrate Halloween early at Trunk or Treat this afternoon.  We helped out with the YP trunk, including Pumpkin Chucking, and decorated my car with a pumpkin patch theme.  One of Allison's friends from school, Riley, came out with her parents to enjoy the day with us.  Both girls dressed up as Rapunzel so we had double cute factor.  The girls had face paint, decorated pumpkins, and got lots of candy.  Allison's favorite trunks were the Little Mermaid truck and ours - she had fun tossing water balloons.  

October 25, 2013

Pony rides and pumpkin patch

Wednesday we drove out to Flower puns for the pumpkin patch and rides.  Allison loved the mini Ferris wheel and the pony rides.  There were maybe 10 kids in the whole place so we never had to wait.  

Allison rode the same horse twice - Hershey.  I was impressed with her balance and that she rode unassisted.  She definitely takes after me with her love of horses.  

October 21, 2013

Hug a tree

Allison wanted to "climb" this tree outside church yesterday.

October 17, 2013


Central Market has a great display of pumpkins out front.  Allison ran up, said "it's just like a pumpkin patch" and told me she wanted to sit with the pumpkins.  

October 13, 2013

Sunday morning donut face

Conversation this morning:
Allison: "mommy is that your favorite?"
Me (eating an apple fritter): "yes sweetie, it tastes like apples"
Allison looks at her donut then replies "mine tastes like sprinkles"

October 10, 2013

Allison's first canoe ride

Kevin took Allison out in the canoe for the  first time tonight.  Just a quick trip in the pond by our house.  Allison looks ready for a paddle of her own.  

October 9, 2013

First trip to the Texas State Fair

Kevin took a vacation day so we could go to the State Fair today - we had great weather and very reasonable crowds.  

Our highlights were the petting zoo (that included zebras, kangaroos and a baby giraffe), the puppet show, and the bird show.  We each had a corn dog and Allison ate hers all by herself.