September 15, 2014

Pancakes for Taylor

This morning Allison came down asking if we could make pancakes to surprise daddy for breakfast.  Kevin had to eat and run, but I got some great pictures of Taylor.

September 13, 2014

Birthday party

This evening we got to celebrate Allison's 4th birthday with her friends.  We had a Little Mermaid party at Little Gym.  Super easy for us and everyone had a great time.  We are so blessed to have such great friends.  

September 8, 2014

PJ snafu

Even when daddy puts her Jammie's on backwards this is still the cutest baby we know.

September 1, 2014

Back to school

Thursday night Allison and I went to Meet the Teacher night at preschool.  Kevin and Taylor stayed home to cheer on the Aggies. 

Allison, Jesse and Riley are all in class together again this year.  While we will miss Abby we will still see her at church and play dates.  

The preschool has a new director and Allison's teacher is new having taught public elementary school the past few years.  I'm excited to watch the girls grow and see all the things God has planned for the school. 

School starts Tuesday.  Allison already has new princess tennis shoes and we are surprising her with a new back pack and lunch box.